All new construction projects and major renovations on Aquinas' campus are LEED (Leadership 能源与环境设计专业) U.S. 绿色建筑委员会. This commitment ensures that quality, environmentally considerate buildings and 项目在校园内进行. 查找有关我们LEED认证的更多信息 建筑物下面.


阿尔伯特·马格努斯科学馆The 阿尔伯特·马格努斯科学馆 was expanded and renovated in 2020. 89000年 square foot building doubled in size and is the first building on campus to achieve LEED金牌认证(LEED v4 BD+C). 这栋建筑俯瞰着韦格池塘和冷溪 校园南端的小溪. 沿着建筑物的外部有大量的窗户 facilitate daylighting, reducing the need for artificial light in classrooms and offices. The building boasts the first green roof on campus, used as a demonstration technology 作为教职员工和学生的聚集地. 该建筑没有室外 irrigation and all toilets and faucets are low flow, contributing to 40% water savings 每年. 
The construction materials were obtained locally (from within 500 miles) and are low-emitting 材料,减少大楼里的空气毒素. 室内照明运动传感器 热传感器调节加热和冷却. 大楼里漂亮的桌子 are made from reclaimed wood found on campus, minimizing the environmental impact 运输家具和材料的.


教堂我们的智慧之座教堂获得LEED认证(2019). 教堂的建造 于2018年完工. 这座有250个座位的教堂是学院的第一座建筑 专门建造教堂的历史. 它位于…的中心 campus to ensure that all members of the campus are in close proximity to the 教堂. In addition, everyone from the Aquinas community along with neighbors walking through 可以享受最新的版本吗. 这座建筑有许多显著的绿色特征 如下. When constructing the building, 89% of construction waste was diverted 从垃圾填埋场. The stormwater runoff system is 100% diverted to an adjacent stream. To save water, low-flow faucets and toilets reduce water usage by 25%. 外的 the building, 95% of the surrounding area is vegetated and there is reduced parking 由于自行车设施.

St. 利马大厅玫瑰(原峡谷公寓E)


十大赌博正规平台在线的圣. Rose of Lima Hall (formerly Apartment E) was awarded basic LEED (能源领导力 & 环境设计)认证.S. 绿色建筑 委员会(USGBC). USGBC使用LEED认证来指定 world’s greenest, 节能高效的建筑. St. 玫瑰的利马大厅拥有一个视图 basement to allow daylighting and views of the campus athletic field. 这是一个复制品 圣. 马丁·德·波尔斯大厅. 这个29178平方英尺的住宅空间获得了认证 2016年7月. 更多信息


alsnis田径 & 娱乐建设

室内跑道十大赌博正规平台在线的新阿尔克斯尼斯运动 & 康乐大厦最近获颁殊荣 LEED(能源领导力) & 环境设计)美国银牌认证.S. 绿色建筑委员会(USGBC). USGBC使用LEED认证来指定 world’s greenest, 节能高效的建筑. 

The 70,000-square-foot athletic space was designed and constructed in collaboration 由集成建筑和罗克福德建筑公司. 工程于11月开工 2013年完工,2014年10月完工. 该建筑通过了LEED NC认证, v.3. 更多信息

Sturrus体育 & 健身中心
富尔顿大楼入口In 2010, 十大赌博正规平台在线's Fieldhouse was completely renovated to become the Sturrus 体育 & 健身中心. 装修是由罗克福德建筑公司完成的 该建筑获得了基本的LEED认证(LEED NC 2).2).
架构师:Integrated Architecture
面积:57000平方米. ft.

Green Features: Building systems are designed to exceed energy savings of comparable 建筑物减少46%. 冷却和制冷系统支持早期合规 《十大赌博正规平台在线》. 95%以上的建筑垃圾被转移 从本地堆填区回收和再利用.


教务楼的家具Completed in 1955, the Academic Building housed offices for College administrators, 教职员工,除了教室和图书馆. 当图书馆搬迁时 to its new LEED certified facility in 2006, the second 水平 of the Academic Building 空着. The College decided to renovate and update the building's second 水平. This renovation was done through Rockford Construction and it has earned silver USGBC的LEED认证(LEED CI, v.2). 在装修过程中,完毕 75%的建筑废物是从堆填区转移的.
To maximize energy efficiency on the second floor of the Academic Building, HVAC systems, lighting systems, and appliances were reviewed and selected based on energy performance. Daylight sensors were an addition to the lighting controls, turning off the lights when they sense adequate natural light for the particular space. 二楼 of the Academic Building houses classrooms and offices, as well as the Center for 可持续性. This space serves as a common area where students and faculty can 聚在一起,增加交流.

St. 马丁·德·波尔斯大厅(原Ravine Apartment D)

Parking lot in front of one of the Aquinas apartment buildings十大赌博正规平台在线 has experienced increased growth in the student population in recent 多年来,导致对校园住房的需求不断增加. 为了解决这个问题, the College decided to construct a new housing structure for upperclassmen. St. 马丁 de Porres Hall received LEED certification at the basic 水平 after construction was 建成于2008年(LEED NC, v.2.2). 在建造期间建立了严格的控制 process which reduced construction waste and allowed the project team to recycle 95% 建筑和土地清理的碎片.
位于校园东侧的十大赌博正规平台在线街. 马丁·德·波尔斯大厅 该设施俯瞰自然保护区和河床. 雨水径流是 routed into infiltration basins, which are shallow impoundments designed to allow 雨水渗入地下. 这有助于补充当地的含水层和 具有较高的污染物去除效率. 最先进的暖通空调和 electrical systems were installed to reduce energy consumption. 用水量减少了 23.2% by carefully selecting water-efficient fixtures and equipment. 按照 with the College’s goals for high systems performance, this facility was designed 高效运作.

Grace Hauenstein图书馆
Grace Hauenstein图书馆The Grace Hauenstein图书馆 received LEED Silver from the USGBC (LEED NC, v. 2.1). 图书馆于2006年建成. 不浪费:超过75%的建筑 废物经循环再造,从堆填区转移.
Enlightened Lighting: Large windows allow daylight to be maintained in 75% of spaces 90%的座位都能看到风景. 这减少了对人工照明的需求. In addition, daylight sensors were installed to turn off the lights when enough natural 光线足以在给定的空间内完成任务.
Saving Water: 用水量减少了 30% by equipping the women’s and men’s restrooms with dual flush water closets, censored faucets and ultra-low flow urinals. 同时, kitchen and janitor sinks were fitted with faucets that included aerators.
Clearing the Air: An indoor air quality plan was put into place during construction to reduce the number of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, possibly irritating, 或对安装人员和/或居住者有害. 所有粘合剂,油漆,密封剂,和 coatings are low or no-VOC (volatile organic compound) emitting. 地毯符合 地毯和地毯协会绿色标签标准. 一旦项目完成, the new HVAC systems were purified to maintain the indoor air quality. 绿色清洁 program is also in place to assure clean and healthy air quality is maintained.
Local vendors, local materials: Some of the building materials (20%) were harvested, extracted, recovered or manufactured from facilities within 500 miles of Aquinas. By purchasing materials from local manufacturers, we stimulate the regional economy and reduce the environmental impact of transporting materials to the job site.
Education displays are in place to highlight the green components of the Grace Hauenstein 图书馆.
